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Monday, January 24, 2011
Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga Blog: Rancho Cucamonga Chiropractor Explains the Importa...
Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga Blog: Rancho Cucamonga Chiropractor Explains the Importa...: "Dr. Cory Sartin, a Chiropractor in Rancho Cucamonga specializes in Chiropractic Care for infants, children, and families. Chiropractic care ..."
Rancho Cucamonga Chiropractor Explains the Importance of Beginning Chiropractic Care at Birth
Dr. Cory Sartin, a Chiropractor in Rancho Cucamonga specializes in Chiropractic Care for infants, children, and families. Chiropractic care is an essential component of health at any age, but it is of special importance at birth. As chiropractors, our role is vital for the health and development of the newborn. Why is it so vital that children be checked for subluxations at birth? The reasons are too vast to cover in this brief overview, however several of the most significant will be discussed.
Even in the most straight forward of births, there exists the opportunity for trauma to occur. According to the paper, "Latent Spinal Cord and Brain Stem Injury in Newborn Infants," Dr. Abraham Towbin, a neuropathologist at Boston Children's Hospital, stated that the primary cause of injury is forceful, longitudinal traction with flexion and torsion of the vertebral axis during delivery. He states that the birth process, even under optimal controlled conditions, is potentially a traumatic, crippling event for the fetus.
Spinal cord and brain stem injuries often occur during the process of birth, but they frequently escape recognition. Respiratory depression in the neonate is a cardinal signal of such injury.
In infants who survive, there may be lasting neurologic defects reflecting the primary injury. In some, secondary hypoxic damage to the cerebrum may ultimately be manifested as cerebral palsy, mental retardation or other central nervous system defects.
According to Towbin, seven out of eight SIDS victims suffered cervical spinal injuries which resulted in the neuro-pathophysiology that was the death of the infant! Research reported in the October, 2000 issue of the Journal of Asthma finds that children born through special medical procedures as a result of obstetric complications have a higher incidence of asthma and allergic disorders later in life.
The study, performed at the Imperial College School of Medicine in London, England, followed 8088 Finnish children from birth to the age of 7. The researchers found that babies whose birth involved the use of cesarean section or forceps were at a greater risk for developing asthma and allergies.
A previous study hints that the mechanism most likely involved is damage to the babies' brain stem or spinal cord from the trauma of the interventions which is known as Traumatic Birth Syndrome (TBS). According to a literature review in the October, 1993 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics cases of TBS are going unreported and as a result, undertreated. The report goes on to say that manual treatment (such as Chiropractic care) would be beneficial to patients suffering from TBS related injuries. Dr. Cory Sartin a Chiropractor in Rancho Cucamonga has been highly trained in the area of infants, children, and family chiropractic care. Dr. Cory Sartin has taken countless hours of post-graduate education to further his knowledge in pediatric chiropractic.
Even in the most straight forward of births, there exists the opportunity for trauma to occur. According to the paper, "Latent Spinal Cord and Brain Stem Injury in Newborn Infants," Dr. Abraham Towbin, a neuropathologist at Boston Children's Hospital, stated that the primary cause of injury is forceful, longitudinal traction with flexion and torsion of the vertebral axis during delivery. He states that the birth process, even under optimal controlled conditions, is potentially a traumatic, crippling event for the fetus.
Spinal cord and brain stem injuries often occur during the process of birth, but they frequently escape recognition. Respiratory depression in the neonate is a cardinal signal of such injury.
In infants who survive, there may be lasting neurologic defects reflecting the primary injury. In some, secondary hypoxic damage to the cerebrum may ultimately be manifested as cerebral palsy, mental retardation or other central nervous system defects.
According to Towbin, seven out of eight SIDS victims suffered cervical spinal injuries which resulted in the neuro-pathophysiology that was the death of the infant! Research reported in the October, 2000 issue of the Journal of Asthma finds that children born through special medical procedures as a result of obstetric complications have a higher incidence of asthma and allergic disorders later in life.
The study, performed at the Imperial College School of Medicine in London, England, followed 8088 Finnish children from birth to the age of 7. The researchers found that babies whose birth involved the use of cesarean section or forceps were at a greater risk for developing asthma and allergies.
A previous study hints that the mechanism most likely involved is damage to the babies' brain stem or spinal cord from the trauma of the interventions which is known as Traumatic Birth Syndrome (TBS). According to a literature review in the October, 1993 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics cases of TBS are going unreported and as a result, undertreated. The report goes on to say that manual treatment (such as Chiropractic care) would be beneficial to patients suffering from TBS related injuries. Dr. Cory Sartin a Chiropractor in Rancho Cucamonga has been highly trained in the area of infants, children, and family chiropractic care. Dr. Cory Sartin has taken countless hours of post-graduate education to further his knowledge in pediatric chiropractic.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga Participates in Okoye Foundation 5K/10K
Dr. Cory Sartin, voted one of the best chiropractors in Rancho Cucamonga participated in the Okoye Foundation 5K/10K run at Ontario Mills Mall in Ontario, Ca. The primary mission of the Christian Okoye Foundation is to capture the passion children have for sports, and direct that energy to enhance their educational and personal goals. The Foundation draws at-risk and underprivileged youth by hosting free athletic clinics, where well-known professional athletes coach the kids. Once at the Foundation’s events, the kids are given unparalleled training in sports and, importantly, are encouraged to develop business and entrepreneurial skills by the Foundation’s corporate sponsors. The Foundation’s decision to use athletics as a vehicle for exposing the kids to the business world gave rise to the Foundation’s motto, “Education, Ideas and Sports.” Dr. Cory Sartin and staff were glad to participate in the event. Dr. Cory stated; I was glad to be of support for the runners. Chiropractic and running go hand in hand, and we were happy to help.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga Explains Chiropractic and Positive Attitude
LIFE EXPECTANCY notes that positive thinking can net you a longer life span. This is likely because positive thinking has proven health benefits and can actually improve your immune system. Live a longer, healthier life by staying positive; try saying three positive things about yourself each day to set the mood for the rest of the day to stay positive. In a study of 660 people, those with more positive perceptions of their own aging lived an average of 7.5 years longer. This effect remained after other factors such as age, gender, income, loneliness and health status were controlled.
Optimism can help boost your immune system, especially when dealing with viral infections and some forms of cancer, found a 2007 study performed by the Department of Psychology at the University of Kentucky and published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity. Optimism increases the amount or cortisol in your brain, a hormone that can raise your immune system and fight off infection. In fact, laughter therapy is sometimes used for long-term cancer patients.
A positive attitude can net you greater success in life, notes Brigham Young University. This could be because those who have more optimism are more likely to tackle big projects, knowing that they can accomplish them. Whether at home or in the office, a positive attitude can give you the boost that you need to take on more responsibility and show how successful you can be.
Attain better self-esteem by staying positive when it comes to your thoughts about yourself , says, a division of the Nemours Foundation. Staying positive can help you to locate your strengths and be realistic about your weaknesses. Even if you make mistakes, a positive attitude can help you to recover more easily and keep moving onward, knowing that you’re human and you make mistakes and occasionally fail.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga discusses Whiplash and Car Accidents
Injuries to the neck caused by the sudden movement of the head, backward, forward, or sideways, is referred to as “whiplash”. Whiplash is most commonly received from riding in a car that is struck from behind or that collides with another object. When the head is suddenly jerked back and forth beyond its normal limits, the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine and head can be overstretched or torn. The soft, pulpy discs between spinal bones can bulge, tear or rupture. Vertebrae can be forced out of their normal position, reducing range of motion. The spinal cord and nerve roots in the neck can get stretched and irritated. While the occupants can suffer considerable soft tissue injury, the car may be only slightly damaged.
The resulting instability of the spine and soft tissues can result in headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the shoulder, arms and hands, reduced ability to turn and bend, and even low back problems. As the body attempts to adapt, symptoms may not appear for weeks or even months later.
The chiropractic approach to these types of injuries is to use specific chiropractic adjustments to help return spinal function. After a thorough case history and examination, the doctor will recommend a series of visits to help restore proper motion and position of spinal bones. If caught early enough, inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue can often be minimized.
Consult a Doctor of Chiropractic before enduring constant headaches, depending upon addictive pain medication, or submitting to surgery!
The resulting instability of the spine and soft tissues can result in headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the shoulder, arms and hands, reduced ability to turn and bend, and even low back problems. As the body attempts to adapt, symptoms may not appear for weeks or even months later.
The chiropractic approach to these types of injuries is to use specific chiropractic adjustments to help return spinal function. After a thorough case history and examination, the doctor will recommend a series of visits to help restore proper motion and position of spinal bones. If caught early enough, inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue can often be minimized.
Consult a Doctor of Chiropractic before enduring constant headaches, depending upon addictive pain medication, or submitting to surgery!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga Explains Chiropractic and Constant Pain
Spinal manipulation is a commonly used treatment for neck, back, shoulder, and pelvic pain. Significant research has shown that patients experience a considerable decrease in the amplitude of nerve conduction responses after just one session of spinal manipulation. This means that pain decreases after the very first treatment!
Evidence indicates that spinal manipulation increases spinal cord reflex, sensory processing, and motor excitability, as well as ameliorating and providing lasting relief for back, neck, shoulder, and joint pain.
Moreover, spinal manipulation of dysfunctional joints may modify transmission of neuronal circuitries not only at the spinal level, but also at the cortical level and possibly in even deeper brain structures like the basal ganglia (which is associated with a variety of functions, such as motor control, cognition, emotions, and learning).
Can a common analgesic do all of that? Certainly not. With this treatment, you not only get the relief you desire, but also get additional benefits. You will feel better, both physically and mentally, and will at last be able to enjoy your day without having to worry about joint pain limiting your activities. Dr. Cory Sartin is one of the top chiropractors in the Rancho Cucamonga area.
Evidence indicates that spinal manipulation increases spinal cord reflex, sensory processing, and motor excitability, as well as ameliorating and providing lasting relief for back, neck, shoulder, and joint pain.
Moreover, spinal manipulation of dysfunctional joints may modify transmission of neuronal circuitries not only at the spinal level, but also at the cortical level and possibly in even deeper brain structures like the basal ganglia (which is associated with a variety of functions, such as motor control, cognition, emotions, and learning).
Can a common analgesic do all of that? Certainly not. With this treatment, you not only get the relief you desire, but also get additional benefits. You will feel better, both physically and mentally, and will at last be able to enjoy your day without having to worry about joint pain limiting your activities. Dr. Cory Sartin is one of the top chiropractors in the Rancho Cucamonga area.
Dr. Cory Sartin, Rancho Cucamonga Chiropractor Explains Chiropractic and ADD
Doctors of chiropractic have long noticed chiropractic’s beneficial effects on those with neurological and emotional problems, especially children.The American Psychiatric Association (Third Edition, revised 1987) publishes a guide to mental illnesses in this country, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual which devotes seventy pages to “Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence. ” The second edition in 1968 dealt with these disorders in only 3-112 pages. The first edition, 1952, did not mention them at all.
A Modern Epidemic
Learning disorders are just one of many neurological problems that affect children today. They include hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and minimal brain damage among others. The number of children diagnosed with these conditions is growing at a staggering rate, as medical historian Harris Coulter, Ph.D. has noted:
These disorders have received the appellation “developmental disabilities. ” Probably the leading one is dyslexia, ” also called “minimal brain damage. ” Another prominent one is “autism”. But there are many others. Probably twenty percent of American children-one youngster in fame-suffers from a “developmental disability. ” This is a ,stupefying figure…
The standard medical treatment for hyperactivity in children is amphetamine medications such as Ritalin, Dexedrine and Cylert. Ritalin is classified as a schedule II substance by the FDA along with cocaine, morphine, opium and methadone. Ritalin can have severe side effects, including arrested growth, increased heart rate, insomnia, loss of appetite, social withdrawal, irritability, moodiness and involuntary movements or sounds. In 1988, a half-million children were prescribed stimulant drugs for ADD and ADHD. By 1997 the number was two million and it is expected to reach eight million by 2000. Interestingly, M.D.s in the U.S. prescribe five times the quantity of stimulants for children as M.D.s in other countries. Many parents are concerned about drugging their children for years and possible drug abuse and dependency. “Is there another way,” they ask?
The Cause of Learning Disorders?
Dr. Coulter and a growing number of professionals feel that many of the neurologically damaged are victims of childhood vaccinations: A large proportion of the millions of U. S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called ‘developmental disabilities, ” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
Other causes of neurologic damage may be trauma to the head, severe bum, infectious diseases, accidents and falls.
What Can Chiropractic Do?
Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct vertebral subluxations-tiny distortions of spinal bones or vertebrae-that can irritate or stress the spine, discs, muscles, ligaments and nervous system.
Although not a treatment for neurological disorders, chiropractic care has given many children suffering from neurological disorders new hope. Chiropractors, parents and school officials have reported on the effectiveness of chiropractic care for children with many kinds of neurological conditions including learning disorders, hyperactivity, inability to concentrate and behavior problems.
For example, the director of Psychoeducational and Guidance Services of College Station, Texas noted that of the 10,000 students referred to him in the previous decade, those who had received chiropractic care seemed to show the most benefit. He noticed that children failing their subjects and lacking motivation began passing their subjects, became highly motivated, and showed improved coordination and ability to participate in athletics after receiving chiropractic care. Some of the cases from his files included:
1. High school student; non-motivated, negative, passive, nonverbal and failing in high school work despite placement in special classes. She was put on 20mg. Ritalin. After chiropractic adjustments, the student was taken off Ritalin, began talking and expressing herself, and showed improved reading comprehension and reading speed.
2. Eight-year-old boy who was extremely hyperactive, irritable and with severe behavior problems at home and school; grades were marginal to failing; on 70mg. of Ritalin/day with steadily diminishing results. After chiropractic care, Ritalin was discontinued and coordination was improved to the extent that the student became a Little League ball player. His attitude was excellent, grades were up an average of one letter grade and behavior at home and school was exemplary.
3. A student with a four-year history of marginal accomplishment in school was nervous, underweight and suffered from insomnia. Medication was briefly tried but the student’s emotional control became poor and he frequently wept. After chiropractic care there was a marked reduction in nervousness and great improvement in emotional stability. His mother reported that his appetite was now normal and he began enjoying school during the last month.
Others have observed chiropractic’s effect on hyperactivity: “The majority of the children … did, in fact, improve under specific chiropractic care.? Still others have commented that spinal care may improve IQs.
In one interesting story, chiropractors had taken care of 244 children in a Kentucky reform school. The teachers were so impressed that they signed a petition asking for a full-time chiropractor on staff: “Not only did [the students] improve in health, but also in their school work as pupils … there has been a marked improvement in their moral life.” However, please remember that not all children respond the same under chiropractic care.
Exactly how subluxation correction affects brain function is not known. Some theorize that chiropractic care improves blood flow to the brain;10-13 others feel it lessens anxiety and promotes overall improved well-being 14-16 or enhances brain function17 while others feel it interrupts unhealthy nerve reflexes in the spinal cord.18-Z1 Obviously the final word on the mechanism is not yet in.
In Conclusion
Working in concert with nutritionists, homeopaths, CranioSacral therapists, psychologists, medical doctors and other healers, including chiropractors, parents can give their children every chance for optimal life expression.
If seriously afflicted students have been found to benefit from chiropractic care, could not “average” children benefit as well? Perhaps chiropractic care could help “average” students become “above average”? Increase their IQ a few points? Improve their reading skills a little and give them an edge in alertness, coordination and speech? Why not discover the benefits of chiropractic for your own children?
A Modern Epidemic
Learning disorders are just one of many neurological problems that affect children today. They include hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and minimal brain damage among others. The number of children diagnosed with these conditions is growing at a staggering rate, as medical historian Harris Coulter, Ph.D. has noted:
These disorders have received the appellation “developmental disabilities. ” Probably the leading one is dyslexia, ” also called “minimal brain damage. ” Another prominent one is “autism”. But there are many others. Probably twenty percent of American children-one youngster in fame-suffers from a “developmental disability. ” This is a ,stupefying figure…
The standard medical treatment for hyperactivity in children is amphetamine medications such as Ritalin, Dexedrine and Cylert. Ritalin is classified as a schedule II substance by the FDA along with cocaine, morphine, opium and methadone. Ritalin can have severe side effects, including arrested growth, increased heart rate, insomnia, loss of appetite, social withdrawal, irritability, moodiness and involuntary movements or sounds. In 1988, a half-million children were prescribed stimulant drugs for ADD and ADHD. By 1997 the number was two million and it is expected to reach eight million by 2000. Interestingly, M.D.s in the U.S. prescribe five times the quantity of stimulants for children as M.D.s in other countries. Many parents are concerned about drugging their children for years and possible drug abuse and dependency. “Is there another way,” they ask?
The Cause of Learning Disorders?
Dr. Coulter and a growing number of professionals feel that many of the neurologically damaged are victims of childhood vaccinations: A large proportion of the millions of U. S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called ‘developmental disabilities, ” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
Other causes of neurologic damage may be trauma to the head, severe bum, infectious diseases, accidents and falls.
What Can Chiropractic Do?
Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct vertebral subluxations-tiny distortions of spinal bones or vertebrae-that can irritate or stress the spine, discs, muscles, ligaments and nervous system.
Although not a treatment for neurological disorders, chiropractic care has given many children suffering from neurological disorders new hope. Chiropractors, parents and school officials have reported on the effectiveness of chiropractic care for children with many kinds of neurological conditions including learning disorders, hyperactivity, inability to concentrate and behavior problems.
For example, the director of Psychoeducational and Guidance Services of College Station, Texas noted that of the 10,000 students referred to him in the previous decade, those who had received chiropractic care seemed to show the most benefit. He noticed that children failing their subjects and lacking motivation began passing their subjects, became highly motivated, and showed improved coordination and ability to participate in athletics after receiving chiropractic care. Some of the cases from his files included:
1. High school student; non-motivated, negative, passive, nonverbal and failing in high school work despite placement in special classes. She was put on 20mg. Ritalin. After chiropractic adjustments, the student was taken off Ritalin, began talking and expressing herself, and showed improved reading comprehension and reading speed.
2. Eight-year-old boy who was extremely hyperactive, irritable and with severe behavior problems at home and school; grades were marginal to failing; on 70mg. of Ritalin/day with steadily diminishing results. After chiropractic care, Ritalin was discontinued and coordination was improved to the extent that the student became a Little League ball player. His attitude was excellent, grades were up an average of one letter grade and behavior at home and school was exemplary.
3. A student with a four-year history of marginal accomplishment in school was nervous, underweight and suffered from insomnia. Medication was briefly tried but the student’s emotional control became poor and he frequently wept. After chiropractic care there was a marked reduction in nervousness and great improvement in emotional stability. His mother reported that his appetite was now normal and he began enjoying school during the last month.
Others have observed chiropractic’s effect on hyperactivity: “The majority of the children … did, in fact, improve under specific chiropractic care.? Still others have commented that spinal care may improve IQs.
In one interesting story, chiropractors had taken care of 244 children in a Kentucky reform school. The teachers were so impressed that they signed a petition asking for a full-time chiropractor on staff: “Not only did [the students] improve in health, but also in their school work as pupils … there has been a marked improvement in their moral life.” However, please remember that not all children respond the same under chiropractic care.
Exactly how subluxation correction affects brain function is not known. Some theorize that chiropractic care improves blood flow to the brain;10-13 others feel it lessens anxiety and promotes overall improved well-being 14-16 or enhances brain function17 while others feel it interrupts unhealthy nerve reflexes in the spinal cord.18-Z1 Obviously the final word on the mechanism is not yet in.
In Conclusion
Working in concert with nutritionists, homeopaths, CranioSacral therapists, psychologists, medical doctors and other healers, including chiropractors, parents can give their children every chance for optimal life expression.
If seriously afflicted students have been found to benefit from chiropractic care, could not “average” children benefit as well? Perhaps chiropractic care could help “average” students become “above average”? Increase their IQ a few points? Improve their reading skills a little and give them an edge in alertness, coordination and speech? Why not discover the benefits of chiropractic for your own children?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga discusses bedwetting.
Dr. Cory Sartin has been voted one of the best Chiropractors in the Rancho Cucamonga area. If you are interested in finding more information about chiropractic and Dr. Cory, please click the link below.
More About Dr. CoryBed-wetting or enuresis (the involuntary passage of urine) is a poorly understood problem that continues after the child reaches five years of age. Some nocturnal bed-wetting is related to maturation, especially in boys. Commonly, bedwetting is blamed on immature sleeping patterns or small urinary bladder capacity.
We look forward to helping you and becoming your Rancho Cucamonga Chiropractor, please contact us at 9094835433
What is a subluxation?
The free flow of nerve communication from the brain, through the spinal column, to all parts of the human body governs itself and all its functions. When nerves become stretched or twisted (commonly referred to as a “pinched nerve”), this vital communication system is disturbed. These neurological disturbances are called subluxations. Chiropractic science has determined that subluxations can lead to serious health consequences. Conversely, the removal of subluxations has been shown to have important health benefits.When nerve supply or communication is disrupted, one or more parts of the body begin to fail. Health in general begins to fail and as your body weakens, sickness and disease are the result. Instead of treating the symptoms of disease, the Doctor of Chiropractic corrects the subluxations, so that normal body function may take place. Chiropractic is a very specific science. By minimizing nerve interference through chiropractic adjustments, the natural strengths of the human body are maximized increasing the body’s capacity to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
Vertebrae (the bones in your back) fit together so that the nerve supply produced in your brain may filter down your spinal cord and out over your nerves. These messages are responsible for communicating information throughout your body so that growth, repair and healing may take place. When vertebrae are out of their natural alignment, the potential for nerve interference is great.Subluxations cause abnormal posture, which applies tension on the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments and tendons. This increased tension interferes with blood flow to internal organs. Lack of oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs causes dysfunction and disease. As Doctors of Chiropractic, we lay our hands on your back and gently line up the vertebrae into their natural position. This process may take weeks or months depending on the amount of misalignment. As the subluxations are reduced, the nerve supply more effectively communicates throughout your body and healing may take place. As your body heals, the symptoms begin to diminish.
What causes subluxations?
Throughout life, falls, injuries and stress, commonly cause subluxations. Young children fall down several times a day. Vertebrae can move out of their natural alignment from contact in sports activities. Auto accidents commonly cause postural problems in the neck, called whiplash, which can lead to serious problems with nerve interference. Subluxations may lead to problems with growth and internal function including bladder control. By having subluxations corrected throughout childhood, adolescence, and then as an adult, you will have a better opportunity to be as healthy as possible.Chiropractic is safe and natural.
The chiropractic approach to health care is natural, in that it does not try to stimulate or inhibit normal body function. Instead, the chiropractor realizes the importance of the nervous system in relation to disease. Drs. Bachman and Lantz reported dramatic improvement in bed-wetting of traumatic origin with chiropractic adjustments.Parents can help, too.
Before initiating corrective care, the family must understand that enuresis is a problem that is out of the child’s conscious control. The child’s problem should not be viewed as bad behavior. Scolding, restricting fluids, and waking the child, generally do not help and may actually delay resolution; therefore these practices should be discouraged. Your child should actively participate in both their chiropractic consultation and correction. Changing and washing the sheets is suggested as long as the child is not made to feel humiliated.What is a subluxation?
The free flow of nerve communication from the brain, through the spinal column, to all parts of the human body governs itself and all its functions. When nerves become stretched or twisted (commonly referred to as a “pinched nerve”), this vital communication system is disturbed. These neurological disturbances are called subluxations. Chiropractic science has determined that subluxations can lead to serious health consequences. Conversely, the removal of subluxations has been shown to have important health benefits.When nerve supply or communication is disrupted, one or more parts of the body begin to fail. Health in general begins to fail and as your body weakens, sickness and disease are the result. Instead of treating the symptoms of disease, the Doctor of Chiropractic corrects the subluxations, so that normal body function may take place. Chiropractic is a very specific science. By minimizing nerve interference through chiropractic adjustments, the natural strengths of the human body are maximized increasing the body’s capacity to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
Vertebrae (the bones in your back) fit together so that the nerve supply produced in your brain may filter down your spinal cord and out over your nerves. These messages are responsible for communicating information throughout your body so that growth, repair and healing may take place. When vertebrae are out of their natural alignment, the potential for nerve interference is great.Subluxations cause abnormal posture, which applies tension on the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments and tendons. This increased tension interferes with blood flow to internal organs. Lack of oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs causes dysfunction and disease. As Doctors of Chiropractic, we lay our hands on your back and gently line up the vertebrae into their natural position. This process may take weeks or months depending on the amount of misalignment. As the subluxations are reduced, the nerve supply more effectively communicates throughout your body and healing may take place. As your body heals, the symptoms begin to diminish.
What causes subluxations?
Throughout life, falls, injuries and stress, commonly cause subluxations. Young children fall down several times a day. Vertebrae can move out of their natural alignment from contact in sports activities. Auto accidents commonly cause postural problems in the neck, called whiplash, which can lead to serious problems with nerve interference. Subluxations may lead to problems with growth and internal function including bladder control. By having subluxations corrected throughout childhood, adolescence, and then as an adult, you will have a better opportunity to be as healthy as possible.Chiropractic is safe and natural.
The chiropractic approach to health care is natural, in that it does not try to stimulate or inhibit normal body function. Instead, the chiropractor realizes the importance of the nervous system in relation to disease. Drs. Bachman and Lantz reported dramatic improvement in bed-wetting of traumatic origin with chiropractic adjustments.Parents can help, too.
Before initiating corrective care, the family must understand that enuresis is a problem that is out of the child’s conscious control. The child’s problem should not be viewed as bad behavior. Scolding, restricting fluids, and waking the child, generally do not help and may actually delay resolution; therefore these practices should be discouraged. Your child should actively participate in both their chiropractic consultation and correction.Chiropractor Rancho Cucamonga Explains MIgraines and Headaches
Few of the millions who get occasional headaches have it as bad as the migraine sufferer. Far from being a minor annoyance these headaches can ruin lives. The migraine is a special type of headache-a vascular headache (as opposed to the more common tension headache). A migraine includes a collection of symptoms (a syndrome) that appear before the headache pain itself hits. Examples are: spots, lines or colored lights before the eyes, redness, swelling, tearing, muscle contraction, hallucinations, irritability, depression, numbness, constipation or diarrhea, and sometimes even a feeling of well-being! As the warning symptoms leave the headache itself hits. It may range in severity from minor discomfort to immobilizing agony and may last from minutes to days. A few of the most common expressions of it are:
- The pain most likely occurs on only one side of the head.
- Nausea and vomiting are usually associated with it.
- The throbbing eventually evolves into a dull steady pain.
The Cluster Headache
Cluster headache attacks seem to mostly affect men between 20 and 40. They come on abruptly, with intense throbbing pain arising high in one nostril and spreading behind the eye on that side of the face. The attacks tend to occur from once to several times daily in clusters lasting weeks or even months. Without apparent reason the cluster subsides as quickly as it began.Headache Treatment
The treatment for a headache depends, of course, on what has presumably caused it. A headache arising from visual problems can often be cured by eyeglasses. An infection headache of the sinuses or ears is relieved when the infection subsides. But the most common headaches are usually treated with painkillers. The hundreds of millions of dollars spent each year on everything from aspirin and aspirin substitutes to codeine and prescription drugs may provide relief from headache, but does it correct the cause?The Chiropractic Approach
Millions of headache sufferers are turning to the natural, drugless, chiropractic approach to health. Chiropractors are the only healing professionals who are trained to analyze and correct the vertebral subluxation complex, a spinal distortion that damages the nerves. It is a very common, often painless condition-that weakens the body, causes fatigue, lowers vitality and sets the stage for sickness and diseases. Chiropractic is a method of removing spinal damage so your body may work better and heal itself. Chiropractors don’t treat headaches and yet millions of headache sufferers have benefited from the safe, natural, drugless, chiropractic approach to health care. By correcting your vertebral subluxation complex, your body, with its magnificent natural healing ability, is better able to address your overall needs.The Chiropractic Checkup
Using his/her hands, X-ray and other instruments to analyze your spine, the chiropractor will determine if you have any vertebral subluxations in your body. Then, using special techniques, your chiropractor will perform a chiropractic spinal adjustment to correct the vertebral subluxation complex, removing the nerve pressure and spinal distortions. Please keep in mind that the purpose of the chiropractic spinal adjustment is not to cure your headache but to remove the nerve and spinal stress caused by the vertebral subluxation complex. This permits our body to restore itself to a greater level of health and wholeness to better heal itself.The Spine/Headache Relationship
It was once believed that the structures of the neck were not related to headaches, however that is no longer the case. Now there is a special term for those headaches that originate in the neck: the cervicogenic headache. As Dr. Howard Vernon (D.C.) concluded in reviewing the literature on the spine/ headache relationship, “The body of literature supporting a [spinal] origin of headache … is substantial.” It appears that there are many pain-sensitive structures in the neck-the joints, discs and even ligaments that may be related to problems that whiplash and accident victims often report: headache, dizziness and other problems.” In fact, a study of 6,000 people who suffered from recurring headaches for two to 25 years showed that spine injury was the most important factor in the cause of the headache and should be suspected in every nonspecific case of headache.’Can Chiropractic Help You?
Chiropractors have, for over a century, observed that after chiropractic spinal care, children and adult migraine sufferers report improvement or alleviation of their condition. No matter what disease or condition you have, you can benefit from a healthy spine. Spinal health can be as important for your overall healing as proper nutrition. Are you and your family carrying the vertebral subluxation complex in your spines? Only a chiropractic spinal checkup can tell. Among the many things contributing to your health: the quality of the air, food and water you take in; how you handle emotional stress; your inherited weaknesses and strengths; your use of drugs; exercise; and relaxation-a healthy spine is absolutely essential. In some people it is a major factor and can make the difference between a life of health, strength and vitality or a life of disease, weakness and disability. A healthy spine can improve your life-see your chiropractor for periodic spinal checkups.
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